A beautiful painting, rich marble like looks, a texture that resembles warmth,
organic elements which seem to have life inside, homogeneity that blend in naturally with inorganic space,
conflicting texture reside inside NUNOUS.
It is totally new surfacing material.
NUNOUS makes people think for themselves about the mass disposal,
and upcycles it to be spotlighted in the center stage.
Also reducing CO₂ for Global warming.
Reborn of the out of standard materials
Out of standard textile materials are very hard to recycle, and in most cases it was carded or burned, in means of disposal. NUNOUS approaches the problem by upcycling the materials without spoiling it's feel and color. We make the “Unseen Disposal” to be “Beautifully Visible”. By doing so, we connect the disposal with the companies and people in a new style.
Leather like fabric
The edge of the materials never fray like the fabric, so there is no need for the edge treatment and you can free-cut for production. It can even be used without any stitches for production as well. It is not a substitute for leather, but a totally new material with the taste of leather.
A pattern that resembles abstract paintings and natural stones
It is all one of a kind pattern like that of nature. Also it has the strength and durability to withstand the industrial standard.
Double sided and transparency
There is no right side up for this material, but can be used on either side. It can also be made extremely thin for higher transparency.